Sunday 20 July 2014



But how does a guy go about becoming a better man?
And more importantly, what does a good or great man
really look like?
For the men out there who want to learn more about what it
means to be a better man, in a society that demands more
and more from them every day, we answer these questions
with six key ideas that any man can begin implementing in
his life.

1. Take Responsibility
This is the first and perhaps one of the most important
aspects for a man to realize if he must learn to take full
responsibility for his entire life.
A man must take ownership of the decisions he has made
that have brought him to the point at which he is in life, and
he must also take ownership of every future decision that he
To do this effectively, first accept everything the way it is
in your life and then take possession of your life by
claiming responsibility for how it has turned out and for
what it can be. This one idea can fill you with a new sense
of power and control over the matters of your life.

2. Stop Complaining
Nothing is more immature than a man who is always
whining, complaining, and criticizing everything and
everyone. Such individuals make themselves out to be
victims in the world, as if they have absolutely no control
over their lives and their destinies. The attitude of the
victim is one of powerlessness.
If you want to develop more power and confidence in
yourself as a man, then stop complaining. Become
conscious of it. Become aware of the process when it
arises. When a man begins to consciously monitor his
thought behavior he has taken a significant step towards
becoming a more mature man.

3. Find Your Path
Ask a few men what their path in life is and most cannot
tell you. A man without a path in life is simply wandering
through life aimlessly and without any direction.
The beauty about having a path in life is that it gives a man
a sense duty and responsibility. It gives him a sense of
purpose and belonging in this world, a mission. Every man
needs a mission of his own to work towards completing.
Finding your path is the same as discovering your purpose.
Once you know what it is, you’ll find that it is easier to
have peace of mind when things don’t necessarily go your
way, simply because you have a vision for your life to look
forward to. You will always have something meaningful to
hold on to.

4. Become a Producer
One of the main things that separate an average man from a
mature self-reliant man is that one consumes more than he
produces and the other produces more than he consumes.
When you observe the lives of great men, one thing is for
certain: these are men who learned how to create massive
amounts of value for the people, places, and things around
them. They were able to harness their creative resources in
such a way that they invented, built, pioneered or created
great things and ideas.
To become a better man, you must then become a prolific
producer. The path to manly maturity demands that a man
remove his boyhood mentality of simply consuming and
cultivate a manly attitude of creative diligence.
5. Overcome Fear of Failure & Criticism
There is one major thing that may cause a man to remain in
a state of stagnation in which he has difficulty growing, and
that is the fear of failure and criticism. The mature man
learns that failure is simply the path to attainment, and
criticism is a sign that he is alive and doing something
If a man does not fail then he cannot succeed. If he is not
willing to accept criticism then he cannot achieve.
It is simply a matter of him changing his perception of
failure and criticism. The idea that failure is permanent and
catastrophic tends to stop many individuals from even
trying to achieve anything worthwhile in life, and criticism
can only harm a man who has become too attached to what
he has and what he does rather than who he is.

6. Develop Courage
Courage is one of those manly traits that can only come by
actively seeking to build it. A man tends to build units of
courage by taking action and by taking action towards those
things that he may be fearful about.
Courage is what gives a man his ability to continuously act
with confidence in any situation whether it is out of
necessity or desire. Courage in both physical and moral
forms is required for a man to become the best version of
But moral courage is especially important because it gives
him strength to stand up not only for the things he believes
in and the path he follows, but also for the greater good of
Moral courage gives a man the strength to make the right
decision regardless of what others may think of him. This is
one of the most essential aspects that separate the average
man from the mature man.
It is good to remember that without moral courage a man
cannot think for himself. And if he cannot think for
himself, then he has not yet taken responsibility for his own


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